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Marvin has volunteered every Wednesday since fall of 2006 with very little time away. Growing up in Brooklyn New York he knows first hand the hopes, dreams and how just the belief that you can and expectation that you will accomplish something can change everything for an inner city high school student. At a High School he transfered to, when his mother made a move, he was asked "Which college are you going to?" To have an answer he joined the Marines. A competitive swimmer, he became a Marine Water Survival Instructor. Next Marvin became an Oakland Police Officer next. After retiring from his 2nd career he learned to sail with Afterguard. Marvin has been part of ASF from the beginning.

Jeremy is a teacher for the Emiliano Zapata Oakland Street Academy. He took sailing lessons with Afterguard summer of 2006 preparing to live aboard a boat over his first year in Oakland. Fresh from college, he was jto be the Math and Science teacher with The Street Academy. Through the weeks of the courses he shared with us the surprising drop-out rate, over 16, common in inner city public schools, even this small personal school. The High School program Cpt Mary had long wanted to begin, Jeremy and Marvin joining forces made possible. With Jeremy's enthusiasum, knowledge of the core course crossover points and with the help of a very supportive Principal, this program took shape.




Youth Interns

Jeremy Cavagnolo

Marvin Jackson


Donovan Coleman started at Afterguard Sailing Academy summer of 2012. He likes working with the boats best. Donovan helps us care for and restore the vessels also crews when we need his help and supports the office on rainy days. Donovan was paired with Afterguard through a local program called Y.E.P [Youth Employment Partnership]. Donavan is currently a senior attending Oakland High School. He is keeping up his grades and looking into scholarship options. When Donovan graduates spring 2013, he hopes to attend college in southern California, pursuing a degree in the field of Business Administration (with a Human Resource focus). When Donovan joined Afterguard this summer as on-the-job training he joined a summer camp on small boats. He over came his fear of the water and found he loves sailing.

Jessica Gima started the HS sailing program in her first winter trimester at The Oakland Emiliano Zapata Street Academy High School. In her words, “The moment I got on a boat I fell in love with it. I loved the feeling of being on the water. It made me feel free.” Her second year of sailing ended with a 12-mile sail to Angel Island for a picnic as a flotilla. Her boat had advanced students only aboard. We have seen Jessica progress from crew to 1st Mate. "I’m now working on becoming a good skipper on the boats and learning how to become a good leader.” Summer 2012 Jessica started working for Afterguard, in the office and as crew meeting people from all over the world and all walks of life. Jessica wants to enter the medical field to be a help others as she saw her mother be helped. She has been accepted in an intership for a hospital she will do concurrantly till out of High School. For College she is pushing up grades to qualify for a scholarship.

Lashawn Nolen began as an intern at the Afterguard Sailing Academy winter of 2012, also from Y.E.P. He grew up in the East Bay. In his short time here Lashawn says "I learned about the adventures of the water, how they work, how the moon affects the tides, how to watch for storms and all kinds of great things." Looking to his furtue Lashawn says "all I really want for my future is to be great at whatever it is I end up doing, better yet the greatest, I want to improve if not change the infrastructure of my motherland Africa, I want to feed, clothe, and hydrate my homeland, I want to see every inch of the world, learn different religions, different beliefs. I want to see the seven known wonders of the world, but most of all out of all my dreams, my biggest goal is to make my sisters proud of the man I’ve become. To reach his goals, Lashawn also is reaching out to attain a college scholarship.


ASF Key Persons and Interns

Rory MacLysaght


Captain Rory MacLysaght holds a Merchant Marine Masters License for Motor and Auxiliary Sail, plus Commercial Assistance Towing. Captain Rory grew up on the Shannon river in Ireland, and has lived and worked in Europe, Japan and the US.

Captain Rory is the primary Treasure Island Charter Captain, and a gracious favorite among charterers. He is also a web developer, and provides tech support to our Foundation and many other non-profits.

In a past life, Captain Rory was a photojournalist in both the US and Japan. He helps to manages the technology needs of Afterguard.