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Local Weather:

Oakland has 260 days of sunshine annually! The other 105 days with less sun have fog or "low clouds" - cloud cover that usually moves on to the inland valleys and mountains before loosing their moisture.

When wet weather comes to Oakland it usually hits hardest during the night time hours.This is good. Gives us wind yet does not effect our sailing very much! Occasionally we get incredible wet winds and dramatic stormy conditions due occur. They are fun to watch and study, so we can take time to admire them and we have a number of classroom exercises,i.e. practice knots, plan out navigation routes. Sometimes we can't stand it and suit up to play in the squall like conditions.

Weather Today – Right now and over the next few hours:

See the wind over the area realtime. Wind makes sailing work!

Weather Underground has a good radar plus an excellent information base.


4 days to A week -Satellite images using visible light are ususally depicted in black and

white. The brighter the white, the greater the possibility for precipitation. Click here to look beyond the

immediate weather at what is heading toward our base from across the North Pacific.


Going Offshore - There are many sites to study patterns before casting off.

One aspect is the VHF weather band radio. You can listen for wind and wave
information from offshore buoys. Along the coast the bands are at .5 mi, 1 mi, 2.5 mi, 5 mi, 10 mi, 20
mim 60 mi and 200 miles.

Valuable Study of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predictions by major water bodies:

Colored NOAA pages - sorted out for easy access, plus the Pilot charts


Surfers care about waves more than sailors. Buoy reports help us all!

Apps are poping up almost daily. Adding more to this list soon.



Weather Links